Worm farms are a fantastic way of improving waste diversion from landfill, and come with numerous benefits over traditional waste disposal methods.
We received this delightful letter from one of our little resident fans in South Australia who was smittten by the Solo Resource Recovery monster theme. The monster truck theme is a Tee Tree Gully initiative, and is only applied to our garbage trucks operating in the Tee Tree Gully shire. This has truly been a great attention grabber for stimulating interest about waste management in the community, which leads into education on recycling, and a whole range of topics relevant to preserving our environment.
#wastemanagement #Gogreen #GoSolo
“Dear Burp, Gooble, Nom and Mmm,
I’m Hamish and I love Solo Garbage trucks. I think you look awesome and I love the way you set the monsters to look like they are eating rubbish.
I like recycling and Solo garbage trucks. My favourite is the green rubbish truck with the wings. Hope to hear back from you soon,
Kind regards Hamish
(South Australia)
P.S we couldn’t find any monster trucks (..photos)”
Published: October 1, 2024
Published: August 15, 2024
Published: December 15, 2023